

Welcome to the Home of BSA Troop 1 of Toms River


The purpose of this site is to provide a safe and secure portal for Troop 1 members and their families to receive and share information.

BSA Troop 1 - Toms River is the oldest, continually active Boy Scout Troop in the Jersey Shore Council having been chartered in 1921 by the Presbyterian Church of Toms River.

To read more on the History, Mission and Goals of Troop 1 – Toms River please read our “About Us” page, and feel free to contact us through the in-site email located in the “Contact Us” page for any addition questions or information.


Scout Medicals

Posted on Aug 1 2022 - 4:16pm

DID YOU KNOW... Medicals are due to the Troop at least once per calendar year - they are good for 365 days from the date the Doctor signed the medicals (Part C). The Medicals are attached - Parts A and B need to be filled out by EVERYONE for the scout year. Part C needs to be filled out if your scout is going to be going camping for 72 hours or more... (Summer Camp)... 


Posted on Oct 14 2021 - 6:47pm

Please remember that the Rank Advancement procedure is as follows:

-Scoutmaster Conferences are held as needed currently. You have to approach Mr. Moore and let him know you need one, he will then schedule yours.

-Board of Reviews are held after a successful Scoutmaster Conference.

***Both Require Full Class A Uniform(including socks)***


Posted on Nov 5 2020 - 11:53am


Sign-up and follow your advancement and stay informed...


Remind Application

Posted on Sep 9 2020 - 10:01pm

A Remind Group has been set up for the Troop.  This will allow information flow more easily, especially on return from trips.  Parents and Scouts are both encouraged to  join.

Merit Badge Counselors

Posted on Mar 25 2019 - 3:39pm

Mr. Lanzim has compiled a list of Troop 1 Merit Badge Counselors.

 Merit Badge Counselors

Productive Weekend

Posted on Mar 11 2019 - 3:33pm

Many things were covered this past weekend, for both First-Year Scouts and more senior Scouts.

BSA Troop # 1

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